The Household Toxics Tour

Toxic chemicals in the home can be eliminated simply by making thoughtful choices after educating oneself about where the hazards are in common consumer products. How can you determine what toxics you have in your...

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Salt Water Baths

How would you like to enjoy a soothing bath and at the same time take care of all sorts of health troubles, such as skin problems—including acne—recurrent infections, insect bites, female problems, and even arthritis and rheumatism? It’s easy to do with a salt...

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Benefits of Jala-Neti

Jala neti is an ancient Indian yoga technique, meaning literally "water cleansing", where the practitioner rinses out the nasal cavity with salted water using a neti pot. The technique is starting to be recognized by science under the term nasal...

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The Importance of Minerals for Health

At a time when we have just begun to get our minds around the 43 or so "essential nutrients," we are now informed there may be some 40 more—many of which, unless we were familiar with the list of the so-called "periodic elements," we barely knew...

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Healthy and Therapeutic Organic Teas

Because of the damaging effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, more consumers are buying organic foods and beverages to improve their health. Tea is one beverage that has been consumed for more than 5000 years. In worldwide consumption, tea is second only to water. In China, using tea as a...

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